
How to run a SQL query with windows forms application ?

thiago costa

thiago costa

Hello there guys....

Sam Hobbs helped me stablish a Database connection on the previous thread http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/Forums/Thread/143677/C-Sharp-sql-connection-class.aspx..

I think now I have a database connection :D Thanks alot Sam.

Now that I have a connection, I have 3 questions... (1 is solved)

SOLVED 1)In which section of the code (in the previous thread(code provided by Sam)) Where would the "MessageBox.Show("Connected");" be??? (SOLVED)

2)Also, how would I be able to display a query in the datagrid ? .. I would like to select * from pinfo where fname =thiago

3)How would I be able to set Label1.Text = connected ?  I want to have the option between putting the code in the class, or on the main code ... but seems like I don't know how to tell the code how to find somethign in class, and class how to find something in main code... :'(

... If I put the code in the class, it says it cant find label 1, if I try to go by myConnection.state, it won't find it from the main code

then, after I acomplish this, I will need to Update the Fname, by code, and also, by typing in the datagrid. then How would I make it autosave ? how would I save by clicking on a button ? ...

 just want to be flexible..

Thanks a lot

By the way, the name of the datagrid is datagrid1... Thanks

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