
Make Stored Procedure Cleaner and Faster

David Smith

David Smith

Can someone assist me with making working stored procedure faster and cleaner below 
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[ProcessCustomerHours]
@customerNumber varchar(50),
@startDate datetime,
@endDate datetime,
@firstBatch int,
@secondBatch int,
@hours decimal(6,2) output
DECLARE @ResultValue decimal(6,2)
SELECT CustomerNumber
,SUM(CASE WHEN PayType = 1 THEN [Hours] ELSE 0 END) Hours
,SUM(CASE WHEN PayType <> 1 THEN [Hours] ELSE 0 END) PTO
,MIN(StartDate) StartDate
,MAX(EndDate) EndDate
,(Select Sum ([Hours]) PHours
FROM CustomerSheetHdr h
JOIN CustomerSheetDtl d on h.CustomerSheetHdrId=d.CustomerSheetHdrId
Where StartDate >= convert(datetime, @startDate)
And EndDate <= convert(datetime, @endDate)
And [CustomerNumber] = @customerNumber
And CustomerSheetBatchId in (@firstBatch, @secondBatch)
And PayType = 1
Group By CustomerNumber
Having Sum([Hours]) > 0) PreviousHours
INTO #TempAggregatedTable
FROM CustomerSheetHdr h
JOIN CustomerSheetDtl d on h.CustomerSheetHdrId=d.CustomerSheetHdrId
Where StartDate >= (Select Distinct MIN(StartDate)
FROM CustomerSheetHdr h
JOIN CustomerSheetDtl d on h.CustomerSheetHdrId=d.CustomerSheetHdrId
Where CustomerSheetBatchId in (@firstBatch, @secondBatch)
Group By CustomerNumber)
And EndDate <= (Select Distinct MAX(EndDate)
FROM CustomerSheetHdr h
JOIN CustomerSheetDtl d on h.CustomerSheetHdrId=d.CustomerSheetHdrId
Where CustomerSheetBatchId in (@firstBatch, @secondBatch)
Group By CustomerNumber)
And [CustomerNumber] = @customerNumber
And CustomerSheetBatchId in (@firstBatch, @secondBatch)
Group By CustomerNumber
Having Sum ([Hours]) > 80
Answers (1)