
Marshal.FreeHGlobal COMException

Dan Rawl

Dan Rawl

Jan 14 2014 3:54 AM
Hi All,

I am fairly new to C# (From a VB.NET background). I have to edit some code left over from a previous person and I am running into a COMException error freeing memory. I have included the the complete function below and a screenshot of the error. Any help would be appreciated.

I have attached a screen shot of the error and the code is below.
Name:  06-01-2014 13-01-09.pngViews: 4Size:  57.2 KB

public static Size CalculateTextExtent(string text, Font font, int maximumWidth, Graphics graphics, out int maximumCharactersThatFit, out int[] stringWidths)        {   
maximumCharactersThatFit = 0;
         stringWidths = new int[0];

        if ((text == null) || (text.Length == 0)) return Size.Empty;

        IntPtr tmp_oHdc = graphics.GetHdc();
        IntPtr tmp_oFont = font.ToHfont();
        IntPtr tmp_oPrevSelectedFont = NativeMethods.SelectObject(tmp_oHdc, tmp_oFont);

        NativeMethods.SIZE tmp_oSIZE = new NativeMethods.SIZE(0, 0);
        IntPtr tmp_oStringWidthsArray = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(int)) * text.Length);
        Int16 tmp_iMaxCharsTatFit = 0;
                     ref tmp_iMaxCharsTatFit,
                     ref tmp_oSIZE);
                NativeMethods.SelectObject(tmp_oHdc, tmp_oPrevSelectedFont);

        maximumCharactersThatFit = tmp_iMaxCharsTatFit;
Size tmp_oResultSize = new Size(tmp_oSIZE.cx, tmp_oSIZE.cy);
stringWidths = new int[maximumCharactersThatFit];
Marshal.Copy(tmp_oStringWidthsArray, stringWidths, 0, stringWidths.Length);

return tmp_oResultSize;