
marshalling unsafe structures in C#

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I have a C function Do_Something(struct_A* obj) which I want to call from C#.

This take struct_A pointer as IN parameter. struct_A has array of struct_B whose size is variable.

‘C’ Structures and function are as below.


C Code -------->


struct struct_B


    int        m_num;      /* Number of items in m_dataArray */

    int        *m_dataArray;  /* size is m_num*/




struct struct_A


    int            type ; /* Some integer value*/

    struct_B*  m_array_Of_B; /*Pointer to struct_B structure*/


extern __declspec(dllexport) int Do_Something(struct_A* obj);




I have wrapped these structures in C# and I want to call Do_Something() from C# program.


//C# Code -------->//C# Code -------->



public struct STRUCT_B


    public  int m_num;

    public  int [] m_dataArray;




internal struct _STRUCT_B


    public int m_num;

    public unsafe int * m_dataArray;




public struct STRUCT_A


    public  int type;

    public  STRUCT_B [] m_array_Of_B;



public struct _STRUCT_A


    public  int type;

    public  IntPtr m_array_Of_B;



[DllImport("libTest.dll",CallingConvention=CallingConvention.Cdecl, CharSet=CharSet.Ansi,EntryPoint="Do_Something")]

internal static extern int _DoSomething


    ref _STRUCT_A obj


public unsafe void DoSomething


    ref STRUCT_A obj    /* pointer to struct method_list */




    LOCAL_dataSize = Marshal.SizeOf( typeof(STRUCT_B ) );


    byte *LOCAL_run = (byte *)IntPtr.Zero;

    LOCAL_run = (byte *)(LOCAL_STRUCT_A.m_array_Of_B);

    for( int LOCAL_i = 0; LOCAL_i < obj.m_array_Of_B.Length; LOCAL_i++ )


        Marshal.StructureToPtr(obj. m_array_Of_B[LOCAL_i], (IntPtr)LOCAL_run, false);

        LOCAL_run = LOCAL_run + LOCAL_dataSize;




//C# Code <--------



I am using Marshal.StructureToPtr to convert m_array_Of_B in STRUCT_A to IntPtr in _STRUCT_A and pass _STRUCT_A to DoSomething().

Everything works fine but when I debug in ‘C’ Dll values in m_dataArray in STRUCT_B are grabage.

Which means Marshal.StructureToPtr() converts STRUCT_B into IntPtr but it fails to preserve m_array_Of_B in STRUCT_B.


Has anybody face such a problem…………… Pleae reply as soon as possible.

Also it would be nice help if you could give me pointers in marshalling structures.



