I have table Student with these columns names
student_code , stud_act_id , fee , discount_rate
A 52165 200 60
A 54902 300 50
A 54167 100 30
B 54165 60
B 54167 30
B 54902 50
I want query to display the values like:
Here Discount Fee value takes from the student_code fee and discount_rate .
Discount Fee: (200-(60+(60*10)/100)).
Discount Fee: (300-(50+(50*10)/100)).
Discount Fee: (100-(30+(30*10)/100)).
The discount Fee value will taking form the student_code of A of discount_rate and fee and result append to the Student_code B
The out put should like this:
student_code , stud_act_id , fee , discount_rate
A 52165 200 60
A 54902 300 50
A 54167 100 30
B(Discount Fee:134) 52165 60
B(Discount Fee:245) 54902 50
B(Discount Fee:67) 54167 30
please give me solution...