I'm trying to do a nested Repeater where I have two tables, one is my region and second is the projects table. There's a foreign key in the projects table for region. I am doing an inner join in my stored procedure and I need the data to be displayed like this:
Region 1
strDate strTitle strContent
strDate strTitle strContent
strDate strTitle strContent
Region 2
strDate strTitle strContent
strDate strTitle strContent
strDate strTitle strContent
Region 3
strDate strTitle strContent
strDate strTitle strContent
strDate strTitle strContent
Not like this:
Region 1
strDate strTitle strContent
Region 1
strDate strTitle strContent
Region 1
strDate strTitle strContent
Region 2
strDate strTitle strContent
Region 2
strDate strTitle strContent
Region 2
strDate strTitle strContent
The problem is that all the samples build the relation in the code behind, where as mine is done in the stored procedure doing a inner join. If someone could show me how to do this I would really appreciate it!!!