
package.appxmanifest file missing

guuyzzzz... i am creating a win 8 app.. i am complete with my forms n all.. but the problm is i recently came to knw dt i need a package.appxmanifest file.... but that is not present in my soln. explorer... plz hlp me wat to do...
Answers (1)
Rafnas T P

Rafnas T P

NA 12.2k 435.6k 8y
I don't want all time tab index disabled
Suthish Nair

Suthish Nair

NA 31.7k 4.6m 8y
set tabindex = -1 to all control..
Tapan Patel

Tapan Patel

NA 8.1k 100.9k 8y
Here is how. You can define IsTabStop property to false for the other controls and it should work for you.
  1. <Buttonx:Name="button"Content="Button"HorizontalAlignment="Left"Margin="242,107,0,0"VerticalAlignment="Top"Width="75"TabIndex="1000000"IsTabStop="False"/>
  2. <TextBoxx:Name="textBox"HorizontalAlignment="Left"Height="23"Margin="204,67,0,0"TextWrapping="Wrap"Text="TextBox"VerticalAlignment="Top"Width="120"TabIndex="0"/>