Pass ID from usercontrol1 to usercontrol2
I have 2 usercontrols in 1 parent form. I created event handler in UserControl1, added it to the ParentForm. From there, I need to pass id to Usercontrol2 to save it.
//Create delegate for my event public delegate void CaseUpdatedEventHander(object sender, CaseUpdatedEventArgs e); //add an event of the delegate type public event CaseUpdatedEventHander CaseUpdated; protected void OnCaseUpdated(int? ID) { CaseUpdatedEventArgs e = new CaseUpdatedEventArgs(ID); if (CaseUpdated != null) CaseUpdated(this, e); }
public CaseProfileBL CaseInvestigation { get; set; } private void CaseProfileForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { mainCaseUserControl.InitUserControl(); mainCaseUserControl.CaseUpdated += new WindowsForm.UserControlTabs.MainCaseUserControl.CaseUpdatedEventHander( mainCaseUserControl_CaseUpdated);
void mainCaseUserControl_CaseUpdated(object sender, CaseUpdatedEventArgs e)
{ SetTabPages(e.ID.Value); }
private void SetTabPages() { if (CaseInvestigation.ID == null) { return; }
From the ParentForm, how do I pass the ID or value to UserControl2? And how do I retrieve the ID or value from my usercontrol to the form? I have to have an existing ID to save the data in UserControl2. Thank you