
Pass parameter for stored procedure in crystal report

Shomen Deb

Shomen Deb

I have stored procedure like: CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.item_type (@LC_No nvarchar(250)) AS select (Type_yarn + Count_yarn) as Yarn_Type from LC_Statement_Yarn_View where LC_No=@LC_No GO I want to pass parameter value to stored procedure. Part of my coding is like that: SqlCommand comm01 = new SqlCommand("item_type", conn); comm01.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; //comm01.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@LC_No", yarn_LC)); ParameterFields paramFields = new ParameterFields(); ParameterField param_yarn_LC = new ParameterField(); param_yarn_LC.ParameterFieldName = "@LC_No"; //year is Crystal Report Parameter name. ParameterDiscreteValue dis_yarn_LC = new ParameterDiscreteValue(); dis_yarn_LC.Value = yarn_LC;//Import_Register.Program.Bank_name.Bank01; param_yarn_LC.CurrentValues.Add(dis_yarn_LC); paramFields.Add(param_yarn_LC); crystalReportViewer1.ParameterFieldInfo = paramFields; -------------------------------- But it is not working. Parameter is not taken by crystal report. Is there any process to pass parameter to stored procedure?
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