This is the GUI version of payroll, but I get error, Syntax error, '(' expected and ) expected , i am looking and cant find it the problem
double hPayRate, hWorked, grossPay, wthHoldTax, netPay;
hPayRate= Convert.ToDouble(hPayRateTextBox.Text);
hWorked = Convert.ToDouble(hWorkedTextBox.Text);
grossPay = hPayRate * hWorked;
if (grossPay <= 300.00)
wthHoldTax = grossPay * .10;
netPay = grossPay - wthHoldTax;
outPutLabel.Text = String.Format("Your net pay is {0}", netPay);
if else (grossPay >= 300.01)
wthHoldTax = grossPay * .12;
netPay = grossPay - wthHoldTax;
outPutLabel.Text = String.Format("Your net pay is {0}", netPay);