Printing from a Windows 8.1 WebView
I'm trying to get a Windows 8.1 app that I have in the store to print from a Webview. I've trued to follow the Print Sample form MSDN but nothing really refers to Webview and everything relates to the different scenarios, which can be hard to shoehorn into an existing app.
Answers (1)
I don't want all time tab index disabled
set tabindex = -1 to all control..
Here is how. You can define IsTabStop property to false for the other controls and it should work for you.
- <Buttonx:Name="button"Content="Button"HorizontalAlignment="Left"Margin="242,107,0,0"VerticalAlignment="Top"Width="75"TabIndex="1000000"IsTabStop="False"/>
- <TextBoxx:Name="textBox"HorizontalAlignment="Left"Height="23"Margin="204,67,0,0"TextWrapping="Wrap"Text="TextBox"VerticalAlignment="Top"Width="120"TabIndex="0"/>