
Problem refreshing DataTable

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jonathan 0

jonathan 0

Hello all, Problem: 1. Form1 opens and DataTables dt1 and dt2 are filled through DataAtapters da1 and da2 and SQL Server stored procedures. 2. A new record is added to dt1 through da1.InsertCommand. This is a stored procedure that creates the record in dt1 but also creates a corresponding record in dt2. 3. Because dt2 is now out-of-date da2.Fill is called. 4. An error results: "Failed to enable constraints. One or more rows contain values violating non-null, unique or foreign-key constraints." As far as I can tell there are no such constraints on dt2. The really strange thing is I can close and reopen Form1 without a problem even though dt2 is filled with the exact same data as in step 3. Any ideas why this is happening? Thank you, jmatt

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