I want to jump in the DataViewGrid to the next cell (X-Axis) with help of the Return(Enter)-Key and not with the Tabulator-Key.
This is not necessary on the normal way with kind of setting properties.
So the way to influence this behaviour is to Override the "ProcessDialogKey" with help of Inheritance in a new class.
creating the Inheritance-class where I can Override this function it is
possible to jump with Return(enter) to the next cell.
But now I have a problem with giving the focus to a particular cell, like the following code below:DataGridView1.Item(DataGridView1.CurrentCell.ColumnIndex + 1, DataGridView1.CurrentRow.Index).Selected = True |
Then it will lead into an error, see below:Operation is not valid because it results in a reentrant call to the SetCurrentCellAddressCore function.
The strange thing is that it is working when I use the DataViewGrid without the Inheritance.
what needs to be done that it will work. Or is there a different
solution for the jump function where I can use the Return-Key
without having the Override function.
If somebody needs more infos or more explanation, please let me know.
Many Thanks,