Question on System.Reflection namespace
I am coding support for plug-ins, and I am doing it via an interface I define from which all classes intended as plugins have to implement.
The question I have right now is whether or not this code works...
Basically, what I do here is load an assembly from a file, get the types contained and create new instances of NodeRenderer for those that implement I_HwRenderer.
The code for the constructor in the NodeRenderer uses Activator.CreateInstance for the given type, and then attempts to cast it to the I_HwRenderer interface.
The places where I have my doubts are...
1. Will comparing to that static variable HwR_InterfaceType (bottom of the code block) return true when the type does implement I_HwRenderer?
2. Am I searching the assembly in the right way?
3. Am I allowed to cast the object returned by Activator.CreateInstance to the implemented interface?
Thanks in advance.
I_HwRenderer instance;
public NodeRenderer(Type t)
instance = (I_HwRenderer)(Activator.CreateInstance(t));
public static NodeRenderer[] FromDll(string dllPath)
ArrayList foundRenderers = new ArrayList();
Assembly nrAssembly = Assembly.LoadFile(dllPath);
Type[] types = nrAssembly.GetTypes();
//search for classes in assembly that implement I_HwRenderer
for (int i=0; i