
Record not shown on Crystal Report in c# window appl

waqas shah

waqas shah


Yesterday i created a stored procedure with the help of you people in which i use select command to retrieve data from database then perform calculations ,this procedure works fine when it run in SQL Management Studio and display record as i want.

My Stored procedure is:

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_Rpt_Emps_Attnd] @strt date, @end date AS      begin with cte as ( select UserID, WorkHrs, case when left(ExtraHrs,1)='-' then -1 else 1 end as multiply,             right(ExtraHrs,8) as timestring, --get hours in seconds:             DATEPART(HOUR,right(ExtraHrs,8)) * 3600 AS h_in_s, --get minutes in seconds:             DATEPART(MINUTE,right(ExtraHrs,8)) * 60 AS m_in_s, --get seconds:             DATEPART(SECOND,right(ExtraHrs,8)) AS s,AtnDate,EmpName,EmpType from      vw_Rept_Attend  )  select UserID,dbo.udfTimeSpanFromSeconds(Sum(Left(workhrs,2) * 3600 + substring(Convert(varchar(8),workhrs), 4,2) * 60 + substring(Convert(varchar(8),workhrs), 7,2))) , case when sum((c.h_in_s + c.m_in_s + c.s) * multiply) < 0 then '-' + CONVERT(varchar,DATEADD(s,ABS(sum((c.h_in_s + c.m_in_s + c.s) * multiply)),0),114) else CONVERT(varchar,DATEADD(s,sum((c.h_in_s + c.m_in_s + c.s) * multiply),0),114) end ,EmpName,EmpType  from    cte c  where  convert(date,AtnDate) between @strt and @end group by UserID,UserID,EmpName,EmpType Order by UserID end

This part of stored procedure is user define function which i get from How to format time from dd:hh:mm:ss to only hh:mm:ss in SQL server?

dbo.udfTimeSpanFromSeconds(Sum(Left(workhrs,2) * 3600 + substring(Convert(varchar(8),workhrs), 4,2) * 60 + substring(Convert(varchar(8),workhrs), 7,2)))

and record which i retrieved in MS SQL Management studio is looking as:

enter image description here

Now i need to show this records on crystal report and did this as:

cmd = new SqlCommand("sp_Rpt_Emps_Attnd", conn);             cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;             cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@strt", Convert.ToDateTime(dtStart.Text).Date);             cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@end", Convert.ToDateTime(dtEnd.Text).Date);             conn.Open(); int qry = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); SqlDataAdapter sdt = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd); DataTable ds = new DataTable();             sdt.Fill(ds); Rpt_Emps_Attend crp = new Rpt_Emps_Attend();             crp.SetDataSource(ds);             crp.SetParameterValue("@total_hrs", t_hrs);             crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = crp;             crystalReportViewer1.Refresh();             conn.Close();

But in crystal report i am unable to see these record and my report display some record as: enter image description here

Please, Any body suggest where am i missing something or am i wrong any where?

thanks for your precious time and kind reply.

Answers (2)
Govinda Rajulu Yemineni

Govinda Rajulu Yemineni

NA 1.5k 233.1k 9y
Hi Amit,
please refer the following URL
Amit Joshi

Amit Joshi

NA 100 11k 9y
Any reference links?