
Redirect a page if the requested page doesnt exists

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Joby Chacko

Joby Chacko


Hi Experts,

I had a page called Page1.aspx. This was one of the frequently used page. Because of some reason i removed this page. Now Page1.aspx is no longer alive in the project at all. Even though i removed the Page1.apx, i am getting request for Page1.aspx.

   If i get any request for page1.aspx, it will give page not found exception because Page1.aspx is not existing. I dont want to show that exception, instead of that i want to show another page - ie Page2.aspx. How can i redirect to Page2.aspx, if i get a request for Page1.aspx?

   I am not much familiar with web programming, so if you could give me a detailed and simple solution, i will be grateful.

   Thanks in advance.

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