Hi guys. I need some help please as really stuck. Have been developing in C# for some year nearly. Im obviously still learning though i have no idea and 'unfortunately' hate java script. Im therefore kind of stuck and cant find any working solution for me.
I simply have a web page with a date from/to field, 3 checkboxes and a button. So, you enter the dates, you select 1 or more checkboxes and you select generate. On generate, i need to simply open another web page but on a separate tab. Usually i just use response.redirect though this redirects the current web page. I need to open on a new tab and pass in 2 parameters.
Can someone who knows this please help me out? Im getting so frustrated as its technically something so simple with no logic what so ever.
I have tried
Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "OpenWindow", "window.open('" + url + "','_newtab');", true);
Though nothing happens.
Have also tried this which i found (to basically test a simple alert)
ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(btnGenerate, typeof(Button), "OpenWindow", "<script> alert('Inserted successfully');</script>", true);
And still nothing happens (yes i have javascript enabled in my browser)
Thanks in advanced.