
Reflecting methods on a module

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Thru reflection I can retrieve the constructors, methods, properties and events of an assembly however i can't retrieve the module and its methods. Im talking about standard modules inside a type library example: This is what the OLE/COM VIEWER displayed when i opened a type-library(neteng.tlb) // Generated .IDL file (by the OLE/COM Object Viewer) // // typelib filename: neteng.tlb [ uuid(281078B0-B4B9-11D2-92C7-0000F878079B), version(1.2), helpstring("Library Neteng"), helpfile("NetEngine.HLP"), helpcontext(00000000) ] library NETENG { // TLib : // Forward declare all types defined in this typelib typedef enum { NE_READWRITE = 0, NE_READONLY = 1 } AccessModeEnum; typedef enum { NE_SIMPLE = 0, NE_FASTINDEX = 1 } IndexTypeEnum; typedef enum { NE_JUNCTION = 1, NE_EDGE = 2, NE_TURN = 3 } ElementTypeEnum; [ dllname("neteng.dll") ] module NETENGAPI { [entry(0x60000000), helpstring("Initialize the network engine."), helpcontext(0x0000756f)] void _stdcall NE_InitNetworkEngine(); [entry(0x60000001), helpstring("Exit from the network engine."), helpcontext(0x00007570)] void _stdcall NE_ExitNetworkEngine(); [entry(0x60000002), helpstring("Takes in the public attribute record for the Network and creates a Network. This results in a directory whose name is part of the Network attribute record. The Network remains until deleted. A NULL pointer is returned if the Network could not be created."), helpcontext(0x00007573)] Now i can retrieved AccessModeEnum, IndexTypeEnum, ElementTypeEnum as Types but how about the module NETENGAPI? How can i retrieve and use methods NE_InitNetworkEngine() and NE_ExitNetworkEngine() which is both members of NETENGAPI module? What does [dllname("neteng.dll")] means? My neteng.tlb is associated with this external file anyway. Tnx.