
Report Viewer Using 2 tables

Vinit Mumbai

Vinit Mumbai

Hello Every One,

Good Afternoon !!

Can someone please Help Me ? I have created a report using Report Viewer, i have 2 tables i am able to get the data from both the tables, problem is something like below.

In one table purchase are saved. & in other all my sales saved.

now what i want to show in the report is something like this.

in a report i want all column from Purchase table & only sum of sales where purchase bill no is xyz. which will give me the over view of balance stock as per my purchase invoice.

say like under invoice no :- PPY001 I have purchased 6 phones & I sold 3 phones from same purchase invoice no in 2 parts(1-2). so the report should show me like.

Purchase :- qty 6 sold 3 balance 3

i will be glade if someone can help me on this.