i have this store procedure and i want to make this that will return the value to asp .net application when it is true or false...when the Store procedure return true then in asp lblresult.text=" true"; if the then that return false then lblResult=" falase";
- ALTER proc [dbo].[sp_Stock_check]
- @sum int ,
- @product_id int
- as
- begin
- SELECT product_id
- , COUNT(stock_in) as Count_stockIn
- , COUNT(stock_out) as Count_stockOut
- , SUM(stock_in) as Sum_stockIn
- ,
- SUM(stock_out)+ @sum AS Sum_StockOut,
- CASE WHEN SUM(stock_in) >= (SUM(stock_out)+@Sum) THEN 'true' ELSE 'false' END AS IsInGreater
- From Stock
- Group By product_id
- having product_id = @product_id
- end
============== Here is the asp .net code ========================
- db.con.Open();
- db.com = new SqlCommand("sp_Stock_check", db.con);
- db.com.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
- db.com.Parameters.AddWithValue("@product_id",ddlProduct.SelectedValue);
- db.com.Parameters.AddWithValue("@sum", txtQuantity.Text);
- try
- {
- res = db.com.ExecuteNonQuery();
- lblResult2.Text = "Successfully data enter";
- }
- catch (Exception ex)
- {
- lblResult.Text = ex.Message;
- }
- finally
- {
- db.con.Close();
- }