I wrote Simple Note Pad in less than a day, you will see from this that it allows you to open any number of documents (memory permitting) with rudamentary find, cut, copy, paste, undo, font size, indent, outdent, font style, font color, print, print preview, undo, redo, cascading MDI windows, arranging MDI windows, open save, new document etc..
I hope that some of you can learn from this. Download the project files from
http://www.c-sharplizards.com/downloads/Simple Note Pad.zipYou can also download windows forms components and demo application as well as a DesktopOrganizer, this is written in C++ and is time limited.
http://www.c-sharplizards.com/downloads/DeskTopOrganizer.ziphttp://www.c-sharplizards.com/downloads/lizardControlsDemo.ziphttp://www.c-sharplizards.com/downloads/lizardControlsSetup.exeThere is more to programming than just writing code without imagination. Goto