in my asp.net 4.5 WebForms app, I have implemented Routing. In mt RouteConfig.cs I have added :
routes.MapPageRoute("Import", "Import/{ImportType}", "~/Views/ImportData.aspx");
When I am using the route like below, it is working perfectly well :
Response.RedirectToRoute("Import", new { ImportType = "Channel" });
I have a menu, where I want to redirect to the above route. So I used :
<li class="menu-green"><a runat="server" href='<%# GetRouteUrl("Import", new { ImportType = "Inquiry"} ) %>'>Import</a></li>
Instead of <a> I tried using <asp:Hyperlink>, but none of them works. On checking the source at execution, I found that anchor/hyperlink tag has no href or is blank.
When I made it as LinkButton & implemeted onClick event in code behind & used the Response.Redirect, that is again working.
Why I am not able to redirect it thru anchor at hyperlink in the menu ??
Any ideas. Is my GetRouteUrl code wrong Or do I need to add any thing in aspx ??