Hi all I am trying to make a scrolling text, but I cannot get it to scroll smoothly after the characters start to disappear.
this is my code:
if (outString.Length == 0)
for (int l = 0; l < m_horizontalText.Length; l++)
outString += m_horizontalText[l].ToString();
stringStart = 0;
fontSize = (m_horizontalText.Length) * m_font.Size;
startPosition = this.ClientSize.Width;
fo = new Font(m_font.FontFamily.Name, m_font.Size, GraphicsUnit.Pixel); g = this.CreateGraphics();
iWidth = g.MeasureString(m_horizontalText[stringStart].ToString(), fo).Width; // == 11
Point pt = new Point(startPosition, (this.ClientSize.Height / 2)); // Adds visible lines to path.
if (((pt.X + (int)iWidth) > (outString.Length * -1)))
if (startPosition <= ((int)iWidth * -1))
if (stringStart == m_horizontalText.Length)
stringStart = 0;
outString = "";
startPosition += (int)iWidth;
//fo = new Font(m_font.FontFamily.Name, m_font.Size, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
//g = this.CreateGraphics(); iWidth = g.MeasureString(m_horizontalText[stringStart].ToString(), fo).Width; // == 11
for (int l = stringStart; l < m_horizontalText.Length; l++)
outString += m_horizontalText[l].ToString();
path.AddString(outString, m_font.FontFamily, (int)m_font.Style, m_font.Size, pt, StringFormat.GenericTypographic);
// For repeat scrolling.
if ((startPosition <= (startPosition * -1)) && (m_scrollingOffset < 0))
m_scrollingOffset = (int)(this.Font.SizeInPoints * outString.Length);
// Draws wrapped path. e.Graphics.FillPath(new SolidBrush(this.ForeColor), path);
the reason for using this method is that I need a transparent background and this is the only way I have found to achive this.
Thanks in advance,