Scrolling within datagrid
Scrolling within datagrid
I have a datagrid with its DataSource set to a dataset.
The first time the user clicks on the button "show" 25 records are read.
Now I need the following functionality:
If the user scrolls down and the last record is reached, the next 25 records should be read.
This is how I tried to do it:
Private Sub grdDataGrid_Scroll(...) Handles grdDataGrid.Scroll
Dim intShowAnzahl As Integer
intShowAnzahl = dgcTopLeftVisibleCell.RowNumber + Me.grdDataGrid.VisibleRowCount
If intShowAnzahl = intSatzAnzahl Then
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
Private Sub DataGridLoadNext(Optional ByVal blnSetPoint As Boolean = False)
Dim intNewAnz As Integer
Dim intAktAnz As Integer
If mblnFirst Then
mblnFirst = False
If intSatzAnzahl > 0 And intSatzAnzahl < objIBS_Query.lngMaxReadRecord Then
blnSatzAnzahlEnde = True
End If
If blnSatzAnzahlEnde = False Then
Me.Cursor = Windows.Forms.Cursors.WaitCursor
intAktAnz = Me.BindingContext(Me.DseDataSetPatient1, "KHSPET0").Count
intSatzAnzahl = intAktAnz
objIBS_Query.DataAdapterFillWaiting(objIBS_Query.dadDataAdapterPatient, Me.DseDataSetPatient1, intSatzAnzahl, CInt(objIBS_Query.lngMaxReadRecord), "KHSPET0")
If blnSetPoint = True Then
If Me.grdDataGrid.RowCount > 0 Then 'hb130103
poiPointInCell00 = New Point(Me.grdDataGrid.GetCellBounds(0, 0).X + 4, Me.grdDataGrid.GetCellBounds(0, 0).Y + 4)
End If
End If
intNewAnz = Me.BindingContext(Me.DseDataSetPatient1, "KHSPET0").Count
If intAktAnz = intNewAnz Then
blnSatzAnzahlEnde = True
End If
If intSatzAnzahl > intNewAnz Then
blnSatzAnzahlEnde = True
End If
intSatzAnzahl = intNewAnz
Me.Cursor = Windows.Forms.Cursors.Default
End If
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
Sometimes this works fine. But sometimes it seems that the scroll event is fired again and again.
Or in some other cases I only get an hourglass and nothing happens.
Any idea what I may have forgotten?