- Identify a task you perform regularly, such as cooking, mowing the lawn, or driving a car
- Write a short, structured design (pseudocode only) that accomplishes this task.
- Think about this task in an object-oriented way, and identify the objects involved in the task.
- Identify how you can encapsulate the data and processes you identified into an objectoriented design.
Driving a
Class driving a car (door, ignition, Key, seat belt, mirror,
gear, and accelerator)
Sit in the driver
With car
End program
Sit in
the driver seat
Close the Door
Seat belts on
Use key for ignition
Check Mirror
Engage Gears
Press Accelerator
End driver seat program
With Car
Set Door.close = true
Set Seat-belt.on = true
Call Ignition (Key)
Call Mirror.adjust()
Call Gears engage()
Call Accelerator Press()
With Car Program