
Show table form details based on distinct in PowerApps

Amin Kazemi

Amin Kazemi

I'm seeking to use PowerApps to filter specific columns from a Table and display specific details based on my selection.
This is the source table imported as the Data Source:
And this is the current output I have on PowerApps -
So what I've achieved so far is filtering results from steps 1 to 4 where based on the 'region' and 'location' and 'program' and 'gender; does the two activities appear.
What I'm after is the ability to select 'Graffiti removal' OR 'environmental cleanup' from step 5, and the form on the right of the screen to show the details from the Activivity, Days...Koori only columns. Can you please assist with the formula required to enable this, with direction on where to enter the said fx.
Thanks in advance,