
Sp site 2013 while restoring access denied to the directory

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I have been trying to restore Sp site from our production environment to testing, for this purpose I have got the backup of production site and then copied to my testing environment.

Then I have created one new web application in testing environment and then one new publishing site(Site is working) then I have started trying to restore the backup to recently created site in testing environment and I was using the following commands in Sharepoint management shell.Restore-SPSite -Identity http://sp-test-web/sites/sseu -path E:\backup\spbr0001 -Force

after presing enter this command is working fine and asked for Yes,No,etc. When I enter Y, I'm getting the following result. Restore-SPSite : Access to the path 'E:\backup\spbr0001' is denied. At line:1 char:1 + Restore-SPSite -Identity http://sp-test-web/sites/seu -path E:\backup\spbr0001 - ... I did alot of research regarding this and followed different solutions that suggested but non are them working, NOTE: we have the same server and conifurations in Testing and production environment and I have given the access to the backuo folder to everyone

May I please know what would be the reason behind this error and why it's not working??

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