I have i table like this with values
Acall1 Acall2 Acall3... Acall6 Icall1 icall2... iCall6 Login Salesrep
23/10/2012 23/10/2012 23/10/2012 23/10/2012 2/2/2012 2/2/2012 2/2/2012 PL Paul
null 2/2/20112 null 2/2/20112 2/2/20112 2/2/20112 null PL Paul
2/2/20112 2/2/20112 2/2/20112 2/2/20112 2/2/20112 2/2/20112 2/2/20112 AN Answer
2/2/20112 2/2/20112 2/2/20112 2/2/20112 2/2/20112 2/2/20112 2/2/20112 CM Campel
2/2/20112 2/2/20112 2/2/20112 2/2/20112 2/2/20112 2/2/20112 2/2/20112 MU Merry
23/10/2012 23/10/2012 23/10/2012 23/10/2012 2/2/20112 2/2/20112 2/2/20112 PL ALex
I need output for last seven days any of the Acall or Icall havinig ast seven days.
Output. This for Admin login
salesrep oct20 oct21 oct22 oct23 oct24 oct25 oct26
Paul 0 0 0 4 0 0 0
Answer 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Campel 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Merry 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Alex 0 0 0 4 0 0 0
Here PL login have two sales reps i want to show this in two different rows.
If i login as PL then it should show where salesrep=paul and ALEX in tow rows.
FOR PL Login Sample output like this..
salesrep oct20 oct21 oct22 oct23 oct24 oct25 oct26
Paul 0 0 0 4 0 0 0
Alex 0 0 0 4 0 0 0
Please post solution for this.
Thanks in advance