
“System Update Required” error message when trying to install a Published C# project

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Joel Connop

Joel Connop


Using Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 on development machine, and Windows XP SP3 on all machines. I finished programming my C# project and debugging it to my satisfaction. I have tried to publish the project and install it on another computer. It gets as far as showing me the "install from unknown publisher warning", and which i Click "Install". Then immediately I get the following error message:

"Unable to install or run the application. The application requires that assembly Castle.Windsor Version be installed in the Global Assembly Cache (GAC) first. Please contact your system administrator."

System administrator would be....me. So I asked him. He doesn't have a clue? I googled Castle.Windsor and found the homepage, something about generics. Downloaded and installed it. Doesn't stop that error message from coming up.

What I really want to do is have Visual Studio create for me a setup program that could be put on flash drive, cd, web server, whatever. User should only need to double click on 'install' and it should install everything it needs. I was impressed that it automatically downloads .net framework 2.0 if needed, but if I can't figure out how to fix this Castle.Windsor thing, what chance will my users have?

I'm hoping the problem traces back to my VS 2005 project.

P.S. I can't find any usage of the words "castle" or "windsor" in the project. I did not author all of the code so I can't say for sure if castle.windsor is used in any way. But my concern is, that whatever the project needs, it needs to be included in the install program.

P.S.S. I can install successfully on my development machine, but it never lets me choose what location to install the software to. It goes somewhere like: C:\Documents and Settings\Joel\Local Settings\Apps\2.0\93G8OHN1.23J\9ZM7TMWN.MJQ\aloh..tion_32cb88d269570c69_0001.0000_18bebf0af78ffa5c\ I find this totally unaccetable, surely there's a way to let the user choose where to install the software, and maybe have a default location like C:\program files\myapp?

Thankyou very much to any help on any of the questions.

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