The oracle Stored procedure problem
hi all,
I encountered a problem.
The table structure is as follows:
create table express_info
exp_num char(10) not null,
ori_station char(8),
dest_station char(8),
consignee char(8),
shipping_address char(50),
qty number,
constraint pk_exp primary key(exp_num)
create or replace procedure update_traninfo
( en char,
os char,
ds char,
ce char,
sa char,
qy numer
update express_info set ori_station=os,dest_station=ds,
where exp_num=en;
end update_traninfo;
The above SQL statement can successfully compile and build a successful.
but,Error when the execution,The error message is as follows:
invalid SQL statement.
now,I just want to know the syntax of the stored procedure Existence problem?
thanks in advance.