
threading-debug problem

I've written a threading program as a window form application in Visual Studio 2005.

 It runs fine when run without debugging.

 But when run with debugging it throws a cross thread exception. 

I would like to have a solution for it.

Also i would like to know the difference between running an application with and without debug.


 using System;

 using System.Collections.Generic;

 using System.ComponentModel;

 using System.Data;

 using System.Drawing;

 using System.Text;

 using System.Windows.Forms;

 using System.Threading;

 namespace thrd_sampl1


 public partial class Form1 : Form


 public Form1()




 ThreadStart ts;

 Thread th;

 public static int i = 0;

 public void add()


 while (true)



 // Thread.Sleep(3000);

 Disp_tbx.Text = i.ToString();



 private void start_btn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


 ts = new ThreadStart(add);

 th = new Thread(ts);

 // Disp_tbx.Text = i.ToString();



 private void abort_btn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)



 // this.Close();


