
two controls communicate



Oct 27 2011 10:45 PM
Since I am relatively new to working with C# asp.net 2010 web form controls, I have a question to ask about web form asp.net 2010 table control.

On the new web page I am setting up, I am formatting the web page by using the same master pages, and css style sheets that other pages use for the general company website. I am only using an asp.net 2010 web table control for formatting like the other web pages use.

However when I do that, it seems like the drop and drag controls on the web page to do work correctly together. For example, if I want a checkboxlist control value to tie to a textbox control, the wizard logic does not allow the controls to be aware of each other. When I try to make the controls aware of each other the parameter controls do not work in a where statement. Do you have any suggestions on how to resolve this problem?

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