Hi (I hope this is the correct place for this post, it is my first.. )
My application:
I am making a program which includes two webcams, one laser and four servos. One cam + laser measures range to "target", second cam tracks the laserdot. I am using Pololu Mini Maestro 6-channel to control the servos via USB. The pololu software simulates a COM port. The port pops up as COM3 in my Control Panel.
My problem:
If I run the app without debugging it sometimes run fine for some time, then the servos stop responding. If I use the debugger, this response pops up:
"UnauthorizedAccesException was unhandled by user code"
"Unable to access COM3"
(My program writes it in Norwegian, so I translated it the best way I could)
The debugger points to my class for controlling the servos, which has this code:
using System;
using System.IO.Ports;
namespace LaserstyrtKanon
class servoklasse
public void MiniSSC(string ComPort, int BaudRate, int ServoNummer, int ServoPos) //Mini-SSC protocol
const double MIN_POS = 0
, MAX_POS = 255;
if (ServoPos < MIN_POS)
throw new ArgumentException("Servoposisjonen er mindre enn minimum tillatt!");
else if (ServoPos > MAX_POS)
throw new ArgumentException("Servoposisjonen er større enn maksimum tillatt.");
SerialPort port = new SerialPort(ComPort, BaudRate, Parity.None, 8, StopBits.One);
port.Open(); //this is where the debugger points to when the problem occurs
string ServoPosHex = ServoPos.ToString("X");
byte PosisjonsByte = byte.Parse(ServoPosHex, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber);
string ServoNummerHex = ServoNummer.ToString("X");
byte ServoNummerByte = byte.Parse(ServoNummerHex, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber);
port.Write(new byte[] { 0xFF, ServoNummerByte, PosisjonsByte }, 0, 3);
I would really appreciate your help, since I am running out of time on this project.. :)
Regards from Norway