
URGENT: how to filtering and sorting XML using vb.net?? pls help...

Tan Rino

Tan Rino

i'm newbie here.
i using vb.net language to write a program....
but facing some problem....

My problem is like that:

I wan to read the xml file,then filtering or searching the specific element in xml file based on the criteria.
FOR EXAMPLE: My XML file data is like below
<company_name>ABC Sdn Bhd</company_name>
<admin_module>Process Manager</admin_module>
<web_module>Process Manager (Content Search)</web_module>
<company_name>XYZ Sdn Bhd</company_name>
<web_module>Version Control (Content Search)</web_module>

-->I want to read the data on XML file,but i dun1 show all data out. i just need search a record base on child element.
-->and my system is ask user to choose the month and year in separate drop down list (example: month:Apr
Year:2006),then clicking a command button, the result of output will show out the data based on the date that
user choose. And the record in XML file that did not match the User choose date will not be show out.
--->If user choose month: Apr and Year: 2006, then the ABC Sdn Bhd
record will show out after debugging. The XYZ Sdn Bhd record will not show out after

How to make it be possible ya?? Can show me the source code in vb.net programming language?? i create this by using visual studio 2005.

thanks in advanced for those who shared theirs experience or giving me some help...
can provides me some samples? thanks.
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