
Weekday Datagrid

bharath reddyd

bharath reddyd

Dear All, I hav a prob.I hav a table t_custinfo containing customer ID,name and personal details.Now I hav a datagrid where in I hav to retrieve custID and custname in two columns of the grid.In other columns headertexts I need to display weekdays say Mon to Sun with dates..The weekdays hav to change dynamically.In the grid user enter the amount collected from the customers for ex: CustID Custname Mon-2/2/06 Tue-3/2/06 Wed-4/2/06....till Sun-.. 1 bharath 100 2000 1000 2 rahul 500 ................ All the details are to be inserted at a time(multiple) in table t_weekcustomer Platform:VB.NET,Ms-Access