Thank you for your time to read my thread and I'm really appreciate it if you can reply this thread and share your valuable experience with me.
I'm actually want to host my site and I use ASP programming. In main domain, I plan to use ASP.NET and for my blog (, then I want to use Umbraco. Anyone have great recommendation for windows hosting that support ASP and Umbraco?
My requirement is simple:
- Disk space just 3-5 GB
- Bandwith 20 GB
- At least 1 MSSQL database
- 1 MySQL database
- 5-10 subdomains
- 5-10 emails account, storage around 200 MB
I have tried to find it on google and I found many hosting providers that offer ASP.NET hosting. There is 1 hosting provider that I would like to know more, it is I have traced their record from November. I see their plan is very interesting and quite affordable. Anyone have experience with this hosting provider? I have searched about their services too:
Can I trust the review? Please share your experience here
Thank you