
Windows Forms--Form Not responding

I need two forms form1 and form2. there is a button in form1, when hit, form 2 should open, such that when the mouse is clicked somehwere else it should not be minimised....For this i used showdialog() property. It workled fine.

But the actual problem is in form2 i have a progress bar which get updated based on database insertions. If i dont touch anything it is working fine.... But in between if i am clicking the mouse somewhere else, form2 is getting struck, I mean it is saying "Not responding" and the progress bar stops,,,,finally after all the data is inserted then form2 comes back showing that progrss bar 100% done.

But what i need is even though mouse is clicked somewhere else, fomr2 should not be minimised and the progress bar should work fine which means from2 should not be struck...

What to do for this?

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