
A class provides a default constructor for me. I write a constructor that takes a string as a parameter, but want to keep the no parameter constructor. How many constructors should I write?

David Mccarter

David Mccarter

Jul 16, 2017

    One constructor should be enough. Make the string parameter as optional.
    public class TestClass{public TestClass(string strTest = null){// Your code}} SF

    July 24, 2017

    Whenever a class is created a constructor is called, and this default constructor is invoked when object of the class is created but Once we create a parameterized constructor, the class no more provides the default constructor. Therefore, in this case, we need to write two constructor, one with a string as parameter and another without parameter.

    Sneha Mallick
    October 04, 2017

    According to oops, by default a class will have default constructor until you didn't create any parameterized. If u create any parameterized you need to create zero perameterized constructor explicitly.

    Murthy Donthala
    August 18, 2017

    It depends on your usage. If you want some values to be initialized while creating an object for a class. Then you should consider parameterized constructor or if you want that initialization to be optional then you should have both default and parameterized constructor in your class.

    Deepan M
    August 17, 2017

    You have to write Two constructor One for Default Constructor, and another constructor with a string parameter

    Write Two constructor First-Parameterized Constructor and Second- Blank Constructor

    Dinesh Rajput
    July 17, 2017

    You need to have two different constructors. One is with parameter and another one without parameter.

    Hardik Vadher
    October 28, 2017


    Hiren Shah
    September 09, 2017

    One is sufficient.class Program{static void Main(string[] args){Employee p = new Employee("effewdf");Employee pe = new Employee();}}public class Employee{public Employee(string s=""){ }}

    Ankur vijay
    August 22, 2017

    One constructor possible developers class Program{static void Main(string[] args){Employee p = new Employee("effewdf");Employee pe = new Employee();}}public class Employee{public Employee(string s=""){ }}

    Ankur vijay
    August 22, 2017

    You must Define Two constructor Like this Class A {public A(){}public A(string str){} }

    Nani Veerabhadra Karri
    October 19, 2017

    you can create a function (no need to declare constructor ) , after it call this method in default constructor ::: :) :)

    Amit Swami
    October 14, 2017


    Rohan Katte
    October 13, 2017

    default constructor is also a parameter less constructor ex:- class Prashant { public Prashant(){} }

    Prashant Singh
    October 05, 2017

    You need two constructors

    Swatismita Biswal
    October 03, 2017

    You need two constructors

    Swatismita Biswal
    October 03, 2017

    You need two constructors

    Swatismita Biswal
    October 03, 2017

    You need two constructors

    Swatismita Biswal
    October 03, 2017

    You need two constructors

    Swatismita Biswal
    October 03, 2017

    You need two constructors

    Swatismita Biswal
    October 03, 2017

    Two. I think this is handled by the compiler. If you open the .net assembly in ILDASM you will see the default constructor, even if it is not in the code. If you define a parameterized constructor the default constructor will not bee seen.Actually when you define the class (non static), the compiler provides this feature thinking that you will be just creating an instance. And if you want any specific operation to perform you surely will be having your own constructor.

    vijayan sivaraman
    September 24, 2017

    Two. I think this is handled by the compiler. If you open the .net assembly in ILDASM you will see the default constructor, even if it is not in the code. If you define a parameterized constructor the default constructor will not bee seen.Actually when you define the class (non static), the compiler provides this feature thinking that you will be just creating an instance. And if you want any specific operation to perform you surely will be having your own constructor.

    vijayan sivaraman
    September 24, 2017


    Mukesh Kumar
    September 20, 2017


    Mukesh Kumar
    September 20, 2017


    Mukesh Kumar
    September 20, 2017


    Mukesh Kumar
    September 20, 2017


    Mukesh Kumar
    September 20, 2017


    Mukesh Kumar
    September 20, 2017

    In the case you are taking about You have to write at least two constructor because once you write any constructor with any params then compiler will search for the default one. Else if you dont create a parameterize one you don't need to create a default constructor.

    Amar Srivastava
    September 18, 2017

    If you create a parameterized contructor you will have to create the default constructor too if you need it.

    Deepak Samantaray
    September 14, 2017

    Only one constructor

    September 11, 2017


    chinchu tharayil
    September 07, 2017

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    karan singh
    September 02, 2017

    2 construct er

    Mukesh Kumar
    August 31, 2017


    Mukesh Kumar
    August 29, 2017


    Narayanan Ramachandran
    August 26, 2017

    two constructor

    Anita Suwal
    August 24, 2017


    Mukesh Kumar
    August 23, 2017

    You need two constructors

    Swatismita Biswal
    October 03, 2017

    You need two constructors

    Swatismita Biswal
    October 03, 2017

    There will be two constructors needed, One with no parameter and other with a string parameter.

    Arun kumar
    September 27, 2017

    There will be two constructors needed, One with no parameter and other with a string parameter.

    Arun kumar
    September 27, 2017

    Two. I think this is handled by the compiler. If you open the .net assembly in ILDASM you will see the default constructor, even if it is not in the code. If you define a parameterized constructor the default constructor will not bee seen.Actually when you define the class (non static), the compiler provides this feature thinking that you will be just creating an instance. And if you want any specific operation to perform you surely will be having your own constructor.

    vijayan sivaraman
    September 24, 2017

    Two. I think this is handled by the compiler. If you open the .net assembly in ILDASM you will see the default constructor, even if it is not in the code. If you define a parameterized constructor the default constructor will not bee seen.Actually when you define the class (non static), the compiler provides this feature thinking that you will be just creating an instance. And if you want any specific operation to perform you surely will be having your own constructor.

    vijayan sivaraman
    September 24, 2017

    Two. I think this is handled by the compiler. If you open the .net assembly in ILDASM you will see the default constructor, even if it is not in the code. If you define a parameterized constructor the default constructor will not bee seen.Actually when you define the class (non static), the compiler provides this feature thinking that you will be just creating an instance. And if you want any specific operation to perform you surely will be having your own constructor.

    vijayan sivaraman
    September 24, 2017

    Two. I think this is handled by the compiler. If you open the .net assembly in ILDASM you will see the default constructor, even if it is not in the code. If you define a parameterized constructor the default constructor will not bee seen.Actually when you define the class (non static), the compiler provides this feature thinking that you will be just creating an instance. And if you want any specific operation to perform you surely will be having your own constructor.

    vijayan sivaraman
    September 24, 2017

    Two. I think this is handled by the compiler. If you open the .net assembly in ILDASM you will see the default constructor, even if it is not in the code. If you define a parameterized constructor the default constructor will not bee seen.Actually when you define the class (non static), the compiler provides this feature thinking that you will be just creating an instance. And if you want any specific operation to perform you surely will be having your own constructor.

    vijayan sivaraman
    September 24, 2017

    Two. I think this is handled by the compiler. If you open the .net assembly in ILDASM you will see the default constructor, even if it is not in the code. If you define a parameterized constructor the default constructor will not bee seen.Actually when you define the class (non static), the compiler provides this feature thinking that you will be just creating an instance. And if you want any specific operation to perform you surely will be having your own constructor.

    vijayan sivaraman
    September 24, 2017

    Two. I think this is handled by the compiler. If you open the .net assembly in ILDASM you will see the default constructor, even if it is not in the code. If you define a parameterized constructor the default constructor will not bee seen.Actually when you define the class (non static), the compiler provides this feature thinking that you will be just creating an instance. And if you want any specific operation to perform you surely will be having your own constructor.

    vijayan sivaraman
    September 24, 2017

    One is sufficient.class Program{static void Main(string[] args){Employee p = new Employee("effewdf");Employee pe = new Employee();}}public class Employee{public Employee(string s=""){ }}

    Ankur vijay
    August 22, 2017


    Ankur vijay
    August 22, 2017

    2 constructors ,First-parameterised Constructor and Second- public default Constructor

    swati bardapurkar
    August 16, 2017

    You will have to write two constructors, both parameter and non parameter(default) type.

    August 10, 2017

    Two constructors u hv to define one is by passing String as a parameter, and one more u hv to declare default constructor without arguments bcz once u define any constructor Thn compiler won't provide default constructor so the scenario , wen u want to declare parameterized constructor n default constructor as well Thn u hv to do it explicitly.

    Swetha Katta
    August 09, 2017

    Two One the default one and second with the string parameter.

    Bhavesh Shah
    August 02, 2017

    anyone you can do either make two constructor one is default with parameter and second with parameteror One constructor with optional Parameter

    Gopal Sharma
    July 28, 2017


    ismail aakhil
    July 26, 2017