
C# Interview question :- Can you explain difference between Pascal notation, Camel notation and hungarian notation ?

    C# Interview question :- Can you explain difference between Pascal notation, Camel notation and hungarian notation ?


    The abovec# interview question is asked to ensure if you have used coding standards in your project. All the above 3 things are  nothing but naming conventions which are followed in programming languages to ensure a clean code. Below is the explanation of each naming convention.

    Pascal Notation- In this naming convention all starting letter of the words are in Upper Case and other characters are lower case.

    Example: SupplierCode

    Camel Notation- In this naming convention first character of all words, except the first word are Upper Case and other characters are lower case.

    Example: supplierCode

    Hungarian Notation - In this naming convention the variable name starts with group of small letter which indicate data type.

    Example: bLoop ( b indicates its a Boolean type), Sum ( i indicated its a integer data type).

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