
Difference between an abstract method & virtual method

    abstract:- abstract method can not declare any body and variables in abstract class and abstract method implemented in child class by override keyword . virtual:- we can can declares any body and variables in virtual method it can be also implemented method in child class using override keyword.

    abstract:- abstract method can not declare any body and variables in abstract class and abstract method implemented in child class by override keyword . virtual:- we can can declares any body and variables in virtual method it can be also implemented method in child class using override keyword.

    abstract:- abstract method can not declare any body and variables in abstract class and abstract method implemented in child class by override keyword . virtual:- we can can declares any body and variables in virtual method it can be also implemented method in child class using override keyword.

    abstract:- abstract method can not declare any body and variables in abstract class and abstract method implemented in child class by override keyword . virtual:- we can can declares any body and variables in virtual method it can be also implemented method in child class using override keyword.






    Please refer to the following URL to know the differences between Abstract Method and Virtual Method,http://onlydifferencefaqs.blogspot.in/2012/08/oops-difference-faqs-3.html

    Virtual method has an implementation & provide the derived class with the option of overriding it. Abstract method does not provide an implementation & forces the derived class to override the method.

    important Notes:

    (a)Any Class with abstract method or property in it must be declared abstract

    (b)Attempting to instantiate an object of an abstract class retults in a compilation error


    Shape m_MyShape = new Shape(); //it is Wrong to that.

    But we can do that.

    Shape m_MyShape = new Circle(); // True


    Shape m_MyShape;


    declare refrences only, and the refrences can refer to intances of

    any concrete classes derived from abstract class


    Circle m_MyCircle = new Circle();

    m_MyShape = m_MyCircle; // Also True

    (d)An abstract class can have instance data and non-abstract methods -including constructors-.

    Our Tutorial has 4 classes { Shape --> Point --> Cirlce --> Cylinder } Abstract Class Shape has 2 virtual methods Area() & Volume(), and one abstract property ShapeName

    Class Point only override the inherited property ShapeName as point do not have any area or volume Also it has to properties X & Y (pntA[X,Y]) for example

    Class Cirlce override method Area() & the property ShapeName and doen't override volume as it has no volume. Also Cirlce has some methods to provide its Diameter & Circumference which will be used by class Cylinder.

    Class Cylinder override all methods in Class Shape, and use the service methods in
    Class Circle (Diameter & Circumference) to calculate the Area() & Volume(). Check the roject and it is well commented.