
Difference between File-based dependency and key-based dependency. Difference between Globalization and Localization.

Sarath Kumar

Sarath Kumar


    Globalization refers to formatting data in formats relevant for the current culture setting.example: a)consider this tag in Web.Config file. It would cause the dates to be displayed in French for the web page of the folder where this Web.Config file is located.b) CultureInfo d=new CultureInfo("de-DE"); Response.Write(DateTime.Now.ToString("D",d); It would display date in long format using German cultureLocalization refers to retrieving and displaying appropriately localized data based on the culture. It can be done by using the Resource files.example: we have 2 resource files: a)default.aspx.fr-FR.resx b)default.aspx.en-US.resx http://sibinthomask.blogspot.in/

    a.In file-based dependency, the dependency is on a file saved in a disk while in key-based dependency, you depend on another cached item.b.Globalization is a technique to identify the part of a Web application that is different for different languages and separate it out from the web application while in localization you try to configure a Web application so that it can be supported for a specific language or locale.