
How to test a Method or a Class, not the whole application in Ants Profiler .....

Dharmendra Gaur

Dharmendra Gaur


    How to test a Method or a Class, not the whole application in Ants Profiler ..... Not in N-Unit

    How to test a Method or a Class, not the whole application in Ants Profiler ..... Not in N-Unit

    Hi First u Install the NUnit Test S/w then click on file menu and Add the project to the Nunit test Application Method or class do like this

    using System;
    using csUnit; using MyProject;
    // MyProject is where the class to be tested exists. namespace example {
      /// <summary>
    /// Summary description for FooTests.   /// </summary>
    [TestFixture]// For Class testfixture declaration    public class FooTests() {
      public FooTests() {
      // nothing to do here
         /// <summary>
    /// Test the set and get methods of the MyClass.Value property
    /// </summary> [Test]//Test foe Omre than one Methods   public void TestValueProperty() {
    MyClass obj = new MyClass();
    Assert.Equals(0, obj.Value);
    obj.Value = 25;
    Assert.Equals(25, obj.Value);