
paging in gridview using asp.net?

masthan p

masthan p



    check the following link http://www.codeproject.com/Questions/588555/Howplustoplusrestrictplusrowsplusperpluspageplusin

    First we can define the property of Allow Paging="true" for your reference,check the following example, protected void GridView3_PageIndexChanging(object sender, GridViewPageEventArgs e) { /*Fill Gridview*/ GridView3.PageIndex = e.NewPageIndex; GridView3.DataBind(); }

    there is a property of grid view " PAGING" made it as true

    User default paging property of Grid view ,for that just enabled allow paging is true.

    Select the Paging Option available in the Smart Tag

    can you share your code segment?

    Dear All,

    I created one web page that page contain: gridview and dropdownlist,
    here once click in dropdown selecteditem means high to low and low to high
    automatically display high to low values and low to values but here i want pageing 

    in gridview more items and each page contain only 10 items this output how 
    i got small error means does not support server side tag 
    how i can resolve this problem please reply me in these question any doubts please ask me