
What is Benefits of Right Outer join over left Outer Join in sql Server?

mukesh kumar

mukesh kumar


    Before I answer this question, I want to let you know that this question is more like "What are the benefits of Right Hand over Left Hand?"Any answer? I guess most will have none since both are important. Similarly, it all depends on requirement. If { one wants ALL data from Left Table/Set including the common data, then go for Left Outer Join } Else If {one wants ALL data from Right Table/Set including the common data, then go for Right Outer Join }Hopefully, this satisfies your question!

    If execute with same data tables for Right Outer join over left Outer Join in SQL Server;I think return same result of Left Outer Join.

    1. There is no benefits as compare to Right Outer join over left Outer Join. 2. The difference is simple – in a left outer join, all of the rows from the “left” table will be displayed, regardless of whether there are any matching columns in the “right” table. In a right outer join, all of the rows from the “right” table will be displayed, regardless of whether there are any matching columns in the “left” table.