
What is Model, View and Controller in an MVC application?

Arun Malik

Arun Malik


    The main purpose of this design pattern is to isolate business logic from the user interface in order to focus on better maintainability, improved testability, and a cleaner structure to the application. Every ASP.NET MVC application has three core parts: a model, views, and controllers. In short, the modelconsists of all the classes that handle data and business logic. Data processing using model classes is initiated by the controllers that are in charge of user requests. Once the data processing is complete the controller creates a response to the user by sending the results to a View who then produces HTML to be rendered in the browser.

    Kindly refer this link.its very easy to understand.http://www.dotnetcurry.com/showarticle.aspx?ID=922You can touch base with me on http://dotnetpiper.blogspot.in/