What is node.js?
Chetankumar G Shetty
Node js is server side development environment
Answer- In simple words, Node.js is a platform based on Javascript runtime, it helps in rapid network application development. Go through the official website: http://nodejs.org/
go here u ll get http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/1/304/
NodeJS is a server side scripting platform, available as Command Line Interface [command line tool]. It is built with V8 Chrome Engine and LibUV [a c library for Async I/O]. As it uses V8 as runtime, we have to use JS as development language. It is used to create the application which expects Non Blocking I/O, scale-ability, servers with low latency. We can use NodeJS to create JS CMD programs, web servers, file servers, real time applications like Chat apps, stock monitors.