what is task of CLR?
naeem akhtar
The Common Language Runtime (CLR) is an integral part of the .NET Framework that promises to let developers employ their cross-language skills in one master architecture.The .NET Framework relies heavily on the core premise of the Common Language Runtime (CLR), which .NET uses to translate various programming languages into Intermediate Language (IL). IL is the syntax used to send, receive, and manage .NET signals.You can use any programming language that conforms to the Common Language Specification (CLS) to build .NET applications. Developers may come to a project with a variety of programming backgrounds, including disparate languages. But as long as the developers have a strong understanding of the .NET Framework, they can use their skills on a project.
The full form of CLR is Common Language Runtime. As the name says 'runtime', it is an environment which handles the execution of code and provides services for the implementation of the program. With the help of CLR, we get all the benefits such as memory management, security, code verification etc.
CLR is the abreviation of Common Language Runtime it plays the role of the Virtual machine thatdefines an execution environment for program code