
What will happen behind the scenes before the page gets rendered when you typed in www.somewebsite.com in the browser? Explain the high level process.

Vincent Maverick Durano

Vincent Maverick Durano

8 years ago

    Step 1. URL is typed in the browser. Step 2. DNS lookup to find the ip address of the server, if it is not cache. Step 3. Browser initiates a TCP connection with the server. Step 4. Browser sends a HTTP request to the server. Step 5. Server handles the incoming request. Step 6. Browser receives the HTTP response. Step 7. Browsers displays the html content.There are other ways in which client interact with Server For example: Ajax request.

    yogesh soni
    7 years ago

    Depends on which type of site (ASP.Net/MVC) it is developed, Page life cycle begins in ASP.Net, where as the Action controller is called for MVC.

    Sridhar Sharma
    7 years ago