
Publish Year

Manish Dwivedi's blogs

Recover Sharepoint 2013 WSS_Logging Database marked as suspect

Nov 14, 2014 6.7k 0

Calculate distance between two latitude longitude points in SQL Server

Nov 11, 2014 21.2k 2

Resolve Error - cannot Read Property '_notified' of Null

Jun 06, 2014 11.3k 1

RegEx for multiple email validation

Aug 30, 2013 25.2k 8


Sep 19, 2012 6.2k 1

Update multiple values in List using Linq

Aug 21, 2012 53.1k 1

Difference between NULLIF and ISNULL

Aug 15, 2012 22.4k 1

Get top 10 records from dataset

Nov 09, 2011 14.8k 1

Split Comma-Separated Strings into Sql Server

Oct 05, 2011 6.6k 0

ASP.Net Menu Control problem in Chrome

Jun 29, 2011 11.1k 0

Vertical Split in VS 2010

Jun 11, 2011 6.4k 1

XML data type in SQL Server

Jun 11, 2011 3.6k 0

Enable xp_cmdshell in Sql Server 2008

May 19, 2011 5.2k 0

Prevent closing of Ajax ModalPopupExtender on postback

Nov 30, 2010 25.7k 3

Drop Linked Server IN Sql Server

Nov 02, 2010 19.8k 0

Disable Right Click on Web Page in ASP.NET

Sep 03, 2010 58.4k 4

Storing Arabic and Chinese fonts in SQL Server

Sep 01, 2010 18.1k 1

Use of Linked Server IN Sql Server

Aug 26, 2010 5.5k 0

Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel

Aug 19, 2010 7.4k 0

Shrink transaction log file in Sql Server

Jun 03, 2010 7.8k 1

Delete duplicate record from Sql Server 2005

Apr 22, 2010 6.2k 0

Get list of Stored Procedure and Tables from Sql Server database

Apr 07, 2009 21.1k 1

Pass querystring value with special symbol

Nov 25, 2008 17.5k 0

Replace vs Stuff in sql server 2005

Nov 21, 2008 25.8k 0

Server.Transfer vs Response.Redirect

Apr 10, 2007 8.4k 0