A Cite tag is used to represent the title of a work. In other words, the cite tag indicates a citation from a paper, essay, book, a score, a song, a script, a film, TV show, sculpture, a painting, a musical, a play, an opera etc. Usually the text in a cite is rendered by the browser using an italic font style. It can be used by itself, or along with one of the quote tags <q> and <blockquote>.
class=specifies class names
id= unique identity
lang=specifiy language code
style= information about style
title=Specify title > Use text here
Attributes Introduced by HTML5 |
accesskey |
contenteditable |
contextmenu |
data-X |
draggable |
hidden |
itemid |
itemprop |
itemref |
itemscope |
itemtype |
spellcheck |
tabindex |
HTML5 Event Attributes |
onabort |
onblur |
oncanplay |
oncanplaythrough |
onchange |
onclick |
oncontextmenu |
ondblclick |
ondrag |
ondragend |
ondragenter |
ondragleave |
ondragover |
ondragstart |
ondrop |
ondurationchange |
onemptied |
onended |
onerror |
onfocus |
onformchange |
onforminput |
oninput |
oninvalid |
onkeydown |
onkeypress |
onkeyup |
onload |
onloadeddata |
onloadedmetadata |
onloadstart |
onmousedown |
onmousemove |
onmouseout |
onmouseover |
onmouseup |
onmousewheel |
onpause |
onplay |
onplaying |
onprogress |
onratechange |
onreadystatechange |
onscroll |
onseeked |
onseeking |
onselect |
onshow |
onstalled |
onsubmit |
onsuspend |
ontimeupdate |
onvolumechange |
onwaiting |
Code :
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
This is an example of <cite>cite tag </cite>in HTML5.
This is an example of <cite title="Example of cite tag in html 5">cite tag </cite>
in HTML5.
This is an example of <cite title="Example of cite tag in html 5" style="color: Red">
cite tag </cite>in HTML5.
Internet Explorer
Fire Fox